Today our reading task was to watch a video about ANZAC day and then create a poster online about what we learnt. In my poster I have written about what ANZAC day is, when and why it is celebrated and the background behind it. Take a look, tell me what you learn!
I already knew quite a bit about ANZAC day as my poppa fought in the world war 2, so I've always shown in interest in wars. But some new things I learnt was: it was made a public holiday in 1916, pretty much straight after the war. I also learnt that the ANZACs really struggled in war and found it very hard to fight back.
I would have loved to have been born a little bit earlier and to be able to talk to one of the ANZACs. I bet they have very interesting stories to tell and I'd love to thank them for protecting our country. Would you to?
Kia ora Ayla, my name is Mahdi I am a student in Room Manukau at Waikowhai Primary School. I really enjoyed reading about your learning with ANZAC. Thanks for sharing your learning about ANZAC. I really liked how made good looking poppies. Please check out my Blog!